About The Author Brenden Ortiz

Brenden Ortiz

About The Author Brenden Ortiz

"We tend to stop helping ourselves while helping others, and in return we backslide and become weak to the very same things that gave us strength." - Author Brenden Ortiz 

Brenden Ortiz is a twenty-six year old Homosexual Male and Native of Brooklyn, New York. Ortiz is a Motivational Speaker, Activist for HIV and Author of the bestselling novel “The Pretty Boy with the House In Virginia: The Resurrection”.

Brenden passionately speaks out on HIV and its Stigma because he too is HIV POSITIVE. He shares with inner city youth the period in his life in which he considered to be the beginning stages of darkness. At the age of 16, he experienced the tragic death of both his mother and father, which led to him to becoming numb and ultimately resulted in him exploring the world recklessly with no care, and contracting the HIV virus in 2010. “The Pretty Boy with the House In Virginia”, chronicles Brenden journey from hopeless to hopeful. To date, Brenden has spoken at countless events geared towards awareness for HIV/AIDS. In 2012 he spoke at “El Puente for the Youth" for Latino AIDS Day and Howard University in Washington, providing HIV/AIDS outreach work. In addition, he has hosted various HIV/AIDS Charity Events. Brenden is dedicated to utilizing his testimony to promote awareness and actions of prevention. Having established “What Does HIV Look Like?”, a NY based Non-profit/ Campaign and preparing to educate the masses on not just the virus but the stigmas that are attached to it…it is clear that he is on a mission of purpose.

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